


Have you ever wondered why a positive number not equal to zero is actually less than 1 but not negative? For example, 5 to the negative second power is equal to 1/25. I think it is negative because the negative power makes the number go to its reciprocal. Ex. 5 to the negative second power would be 1/5 to the second power. After the base changes to the reciprocal the exponent changes to a positive. Then you can multiply 1/5 to the second power. It comes out to be 1/25. 
Have you ever heard of exponets. Well I have and I'm going to tell you where I've seen them and where  might they be use ful to me. I have seen exponets before and they where very easy to do because I barley learned them. I also saw them again in 6th grade because my teacher was getting us ready for 7th grade.
   I learned that they would be usefull to me when I have to multiply the same number many times and it would take up less space on the page or book.I also know that exponets help comstuction workers.