In computer's class with Mr.Kimbley we have done many things. We have learned a lot. I have learned more than I wanted to in some cases. We learned about how you can make you presentations better than what they were before. This class has helped a lot. The teacher's experience has made this class a lot better than what I thought it would be. This class helps me at home because I can type faster than I used to, and I can get more things done on the computer. It helps at school because we only have 5 min. to type our blogs. At the beginning of the year I couldn't type very fast now I can type at least 19wpm. I take typing tests everyday, and I get faster. This class has helped.
The things that will help me in the future will be the things that I learned about in Microsoft. I will use that with pride knowing that my teacher at Computech taught me that. I will also use the internet safety that was taught to us when we first started school. I liked how that was taught to use and I liked that it was interactive. I will definitely use the website domain of Weebly for later websites. I will use everything that I learned, and I will never hurt anyone's feelings on line. It is mean and hurtful.

 This will be my last blog of the year.
The Inca was a tribe native to Mesoamerica, and so were the Aztec. They lived like every ancient civilization. They grew crops, mostly maize, or corn. They once in a while had wars, and the Aztecs would rule all. The Aztecs had the best warriors around. The Incas had some of the good warriors too. The Eagle was the top warrior class and then there was the Jaguar. The people treated the warriors with respect and both tribes flourished in their doing so. The Inca was at their peek when they fell. The Inca fell because of the land. It became barren because they used it too much. They grew too much corn, and they never let the land rest. 
The Aztecs fall was way different from that.The Aztec was waiting for their god to return.
For the past few days we have been dissecting frogs in Science class. Today we are going into the squid. I honestly want to try the squid because it is nice to try something new. It is like in French we had a potluck where there were snails. We ate them. They weren't all that bad. They were actually great. I had 4 of them. They were delicious. Today I am going to eat the squid. Maybe my partner Angel will eat it too. She says that she doesn't but maybe she will. I know I can persuade her. I want to eat the Squid because it is something new, and I would like to try it especially if I will be the only brave person in my group. The other girls in my group are just too scared to try it. Who knows maybe I will be the first to try it in the class. 
I have tried squid before but it wasn't cook very well and I had a really bad stomach ache that lasted for 2 days. I couldn't look at another squid again. Today that fear is in the bag. Sorry, last Free-Write Friday.  
Today is Friday. A good day and yet a bad day at the same time. Friday is a good day because all of the kids get to get out for the weekend. I get to watch T.V and play video games. The teachers get to get away from the students for a whole 2 days! If you think about the way some kids act then the teachers are lucky. The other good part about Friday is that it is a good day for any thing to happen. You could find money in your jacket that you haven't worn in 2 weeks. The good thing is that anything is possible when you believe. 
The bad thing about Friday is that most things are due on Friday. 
Today is Friday, and this weekend will be great with Cinco de mayo coming up. Cinco de Mayo is my favorite holiday. I love going to places and seeing that they are celebrating Cinco de mayo. Other than that, this weekend I will be going outside not watching T.V and selling the Tri-tip dinners for the school. I am going for the goal of the most sold. I like helping out my school, but there is a little problem with the cost of these tri-tip dinners.
It cost 30 dollars and times are tough some people can't afford 30 dollars of tri-tip. I think that we should lower the price of the tri-tip so people would actually buy it. In the beginning of the year we sold these and I didn't sell any because it cost too much.
This week was awesome, besides P.E. On Monday it cleaned my room. I was actually fun. I found out that I am going to Skywalk for my brothers birthday and that I may be getting a phone sometime soon. My mom says that if she can find the  time to get to Wal-Mart to buy the phone, and if it doesn't cost too much my brothers and I can get one. On Tuesday I watched Dance Moms, my favorite show on earth.
 The drama between the moms and the dance teacher is just over nothing. Otherwise, the show is pretty awesome. On Wednesday I went to school, and school was actually cool. I actually had fun. On Thursday I went to school early because there is no such thing as late start in my mom's world. I talked with my friends and ate breakfast until school started.  
This weekend is going to be awesome. Today I am going to see the new movie Oz the Great and Powerful! From the commercials the movie looks great. I really want to see that movie. I hope that I can have a good time. On Saturday I am going to my step-dad's grandfather's birthday party. I hope to have a good time there. On Sunday I will  do my bio-board for P.E and hopefully get some type of grade.
 Today is also the day that I am finding out wheater or not I am on the softball team. I hope I am because if not I wasted a lot of time on try-outs. No matter what happens I know that I tried my best, and that I liked it.
Mr.Kimbley is gone, and I am somewhat happy, but it's like dude where you at. In atlas I have a C in this class. Mr Kimbley didn't fix my grade on the Presentation rubric. It says zero, but I just got mine in on Tuesday. Maybe the people that saw my  presentation didn't put the information in correctly.
 I don't really know what that is, but I hope it gets fixed before repot cards come out. I have a lot of work to do before the 3rd Quarter ends. My grades are looking like I don't deserve to go to this school and I don't need that kind of pressure. My mom is already on my back for not helping enough around the house.
Today is Friday, March 1, 2013. I am so glad! Today is Justin Bieber's birthday. He turns 19 today. My friends Angel, Laura, and Khelen's birthday is today. I just had a cupcake from Angel. The cupcake tastes good. I really like it. Today is also Kesha's birthday, and Daniella Monet. _ This is the website where I found most of the Birthdays I just listed.
Happy Friday people!! That is the thing I was greeted with by my computers teacher Mr. Kimbely. That is also is what I was greeted with this morning. That is what my mom says everyday so that it  isn't that bad to us and also that it helps us get through the day. I love saying that, and it really does help. Monday is the new Friday. Tuesday is the new Friday. I say that all week to remind myself that  the whole week isn't that bad. Only one that doesn't make my day better is the Monday one.
 Monday is a sad day because its the day my weekend truly ends. The twist is that I hate it when we have Mondays off. That means that we have no late start on Thursday. I love late start. I also hate Mondays. This is a hard decision. I'd rather have a late start!