


Today is Friday and the world seems gloom, mainly Fresno. It is on and off rain, and the sun is nowhere yo be seen. Maybe we can make some happiness to all this gloom. Trying to tell someone to smile because it's  Friday. Tell them it's not that bad. Or try to make them smile. Make them laugh, it's pretty fun. Tryin to make yourself laugh if you down.
 Never walk around with a frown. Make your day worthwhile and have some fun. Live while your young and take a trip with your family. You only have one shot at life grab it while you can. Have some fun. Rent a boat and sail out into the lake, make sure to come back. LIVE A LITTLE. Like they always say "The sun will come out tomorrow."
Hey, today's free write Friday. Doesn't today feel weird? The sun is out, and the rain is pouring. Maybe there will be a rainbow today and every little child will be happy. The Weather forecast says that it's going to be cold all weekend. Maybe there will be a slight chance that if you have plans to go far they may be delayed.
    Well I have heard that you really should have chains if you are going into the mountains. It is snowing in the mountains, and my 4th grade math teacher lives up there. I hope she's alright. She usually brings snow down for her students to play with. It was fun being in her class.
Hey guys it's free write Friday one step close to the weekend, right. It feels like the whole weekend is going to be great. My room is clean, and I'm not grounded, so I can spend the night at any friends house. I can probably even go to the park!
    This weekend my school's old competition cheer team has a competition and I want to go see them. They seem better than they were last year. Only problem is that my mom isn't a huge fan of cheerleaders so I have none to go with, my brothers hate everything I like. It would be horrible to walk around with them attached to me. The competition would be cool to go to but I have to work on re-dos for math. So I'm not going. I hope they do great!!!!