In computer's class with Mr.Kimbley we have done many things. We have learned a lot. I have learned more than I wanted to in some cases. We learned about how you can make you presentations better than what they were before. This class has helped a lot. The teacher's experience has made this class a lot better than what I thought it would be. This class helps me at home because I can type faster than I used to, and I can get more things done on the computer. It helps at school because we only have 5 min. to type our blogs. At the beginning of the year I couldn't type very fast now I can type at least 19wpm. I take typing tests everyday, and I get faster. This class has helped.
The things that will help me in the future will be the things that I learned about in Microsoft. I will use that with pride knowing that my teacher at Computech taught me that. I will also use the internet safety that was taught to us when we first started school. I liked how that was taught to use and I liked that it was interactive. I will definitely use the website domain of Weebly for later websites. I will use everything that I learned, and I will never hurt anyone's feelings on line. It is mean and hurtful.

 This will be my last blog of the year.

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