When you look at something you eye does a lot of things. This is so that you can see these things correctly. The image travels through your eye and hits the brain. It start with looking at the image, and when you first look at the image it is upsidedown. In a matter of seconds your eye sees that.
 The image starts at the cornea and flows through the pupil. From there it goes through the Vitreous gel, a water like substance to keep the eye watery. Then it goes to the Retina, the back of the eye. Then the image passes through the optic nerve witch leads to the brain to tell the eye to turn the image right-side-up.
When we went to the zoo yesterday I had lots of fun. I saw the animal I have been researching for the past 3 weeks. It's colors are very beautiful. I think that the size of the sun conure is very different and that it is smaller in real life than in pictures. I thought that it would be as big as a parrot or a blue macaw. I thought that that size made that animal very pretty. The other birds are way bigger than it is.
It was very awesome! I also learned how to correctly pronounce the sun conure's scientific name. The sun conure was an amazing sight to see! I really thought that it would be bigger than it was when I saw it. I also learned that the sun conure is not in a simulated area and is with actual trees, water and things that are in its natural habitat. The sun conure is in the Tropical Forest in the Chaffe Zoo. The Tropical Forest is filled with many birds that are beautiful.
Have you ever seen a rainbow and when it is made?. Rainbows are made from the water reflecting off of some light and it giving off all of the colors. A way to remember the rainbow is to ROYGBIV. Which means red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The rainbow is an effect of reflection and is very beautiful. It doesn't just happen when it rains. It happens a lot, really.
 It happens whenever it is sunny and there is water around. For example, when you are watering your grass look at your water while it is coming out of the hose.
Last week I told you why I thought the sky was blue. I have a better explanation this week. On Monday we did some research on the chapter that we are on. The chapter explains light and light reflection and the colors of things. The colors that we see are aren't actually the colors that we see. They are all the colors of the rainbow. The strongest one gets the honor of being the color of that object. 
The sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light. It is like when we look at the sunset we see more than one color that means that the sun has stopped reflecting the light that makes it blue.