An article that i read was called The physics of Santa Claus. It talks about the reality of Santa being real. It said that he takes 1/1000th of a second inside one house, and .8222 seconds per visit. It also, said that there was 3.75 billion children (people under 18) in the world. You have to exclude the Jewish, and the other people who don't have Santa Claus in their religion.
 Santa's reindeer are a part of a species not known to man. They have been recorded as a part of the deer family, but no one knows how they fly. It is a mystery that can't be solved because there in no way to prove that they are real because there is not even a trace of them on roofs, or even in the North Pole.
The well-known reindeer is Rudolph. He has a red glowing nose that also blinks. How do you get a nose like that when the rest of the reindeer don't have noses like that. Not one man has ever seen the real "Santa Claus". He may be real he may not be. 
Interphase is a process in which all cells go through. Interphase is what all cells are in most of their life. First the cells have to duplicate the cell membrane and cell wall. The cells then have to make the make the DNA duplicate itself. To do that the DNA has to copy it sugars and phosphates along the edges. They also, have to make way more than one and that will take a long time. That's why the cells take so much time in interphase.
      Next they have to push the sugars and phosphates into the middle to copy them, and there will be ten times as much DNA inside the cell. The cell then goes into a phase called prophase where there is now daughter cells.