Currently in science we are learning about cell oranelles and how they function. I want to tell you about three, how they work, and their porpose. The three are the cell wall, cell membrane, and the nucleus. 
    The cell wall monitors what goes in and out of the cell, like how you control what goes in side your body. The porpose for it is to keep sickness and disease out of that cell so that it may not infect the other cells. It functions only if you eat right, so not too much junkfood.
    The cell membrane acts as the brain of the cell. It also helps control what comes in and out. It also controls many of the things the cell does just like the president.

So today I learned something totally new. Its about the growth of baby rats. I learned that the first weeks of a baby rats is very crazy, because it is blind and complely dependant on its mother. Two weeks in the the baby starts eating bit and pieces of the mothers food. Also, that three weeks in the baby, or pup is eating anything it can get a hold of. Four weeks it has finished the crazy. 
   After that they have to get ready to be pushed to new homes, to be trained or  just to stay home with their mother and father.
 In science at Edison computech I have learned a lot. I have learned that measuring has a method and that hypothesis is an educated guess. I also learned that   volume is the height , width and  length. Mrs.Poole is an exemplary teacher. In Science we Edison Computech  tigers are very lucky to have Mrs.Poole as a Science teacher. Thank you Mrs.Poole.
 In science we learned about a technique that finds the volume of a irregular shape. First you fill the beaker with water and get your object. Next you put the object inside of the beaker or measuring tool. Then you measure how much the water has increased in size. There you have it the way to find the volume of an irregular object. 
Have you or your parents wondered why some look alike. Well in the following paragraph, I will tell you. I finally found out. This is the first time I've heard of this!
     My science book tells me that some kids look like thier parents because of cells that are given to you by both of your parents. It also says that it mixes to give you your own look but no different from your parents faces. So you may have your dads eyes or your moms ears no matter you still look like your parents. I happened to notice lately that I have my moms face but my dads ears and eyes. this tells me that all the stories of me being a gift from the aliens that my mom saved from the invaders a long time ago.So if you don't get what I'm saying ask your parents.
 Today is science solution and the topic is how do you know weather your cells are working if you can't feel cellular activity. I just learned this today so its fresh in my mind. 
   You can't feel cellular activity, right. So you cells are moving non-stop and you don't even know it. If you are still moving, and breathing then you know that you cells are moving. The blood is moving the cells and you can't feel the blood moving unless its rushing to your head, when your upside down. You also know that your cells are moving because your still alive and you wouldn't even be able to read my post.
 Today I would like to let you know my favorite activity in science through this first quarter. My favorite science activity is the body parts. Ms.Poole bought tiny people parts that were supposed to grow to teach us how to measure in Centimeters and weight in Grams on a scale. It was so fun, and we did that everyday. I learned how to measure in Centimeters and weight in Grams. Sadly my groups body parts didn't grow as much.