Have you ever wondered why the dicovery of ron change life in West Africa or how? Well, I can tell you. When they founded iron they used it to their advantage by starting to trade it for food and such things needed for living. That started a huge spark in trading and it became a huge deal.
 They traded things like: gold for salt or cloth for a camel, brought by the romans. They used this, also, to their advantage to getwhat they needed to trade all over the Middle East.A lot of people wanted their their goods, so they gave it to them.  
    I think living in the Sahara desert would be the hardest because it would be schorching hot and the desert animals are highly poisonous and may kill you. Another reason is because it would be hard to find water in the desert and you can't go very long without water. You could probably die from dehygration.




   I may be too young to vote , but  I still care about  our presidential election this year.  Mainly because of school and because if one candidate wants to cut school funds especially if they want to cut it. So I really do care about this years  presidential election. Also because Obama has really changed America and it's people. Especially with all of the debts that we owe to other countries.




    The book that I am currently reading is called The Thief Lord  this book is great so far. I would totally recommend it. When I was in  5th grade. My oldest brother  read it . he said i should try reading it . This book's language is very well written. the setting is in Venice, Italy. I would love to go there and read this book at the same time. I also would love to try to find the places that they are set in. That would be amazing!!!




        On 9/11 I was just 1 years old and I was in  the car with my father. He was taking my brothers to school and  he was listening to the radio. They said that the World Trade Center was in danger. He told me everything about that day. He knew where he was going and who with. Since then on I have dreaded this awful day. I wish this never would've  happened.




     The other day in core we did a simulation of the Romans and Barbarians. I was a barbarian and it was cool but I wish I wish i was a roman leader to see their prospective of the situation. Only because the Romans looked  kind of scared  when the Barbarians tool their power. Too bad I couldn't have switched. My prospective  was very out there and now I wish we could only do that again so I could be a Roman emperor.
           The simulation wasn't historically accurate because we didn't band with the other barbaric tribes that were supposed to.
    At Edison  Computech middle school we are one  of the best in academically and sports. While we look like geeks and have the best grades we are way different than that. Our school is one of the best in sports because other schools underestimate us. We rule! I heard that we are usually undefeated in most sports. Yay Edison Computech !




     What I learned in My Digital Life is that it is bad to use your real information on something like Facebook, because if someone hacks your account they can access you accounts or any other vital thing. I, also learned that some software that you put on your computer can damage it or even put a virus on it that can't be tracked by a security system. Lastly, I learned that you shouldn't download free stuff from the internet.   




  As the traders began to ride along the dirt road I could hear someone call my name. I turned to see that it was my uncle. He said that he had some big news for me. He said that I was old enough to become a trader. My family lived in between the trading land and the herding land, so I had to choose. I choose the traders because they get to walk across the desert and venture out into the open world. My family may be mad but at least I get to do what I want. 




Today the topic is Core and how quickly the religion Islam spread through trade. I just learned about this last night so I know a lot. 
  It started out as just a little bit of people then a "spark" happened when Muhammad died and Abu Bakr was voted caliph. He wanted more land so he planned attacks on Prussian and Byzantine empires so that the land would be more vast. It worked because the Persians and the Byzantine had been exhausted from fighting for years. Next, the traders traded in different places.